Foundations of Temporal Logic – The WWW-site for Prior-studies
a joint project between
Department of Information Studies – University of Copenhagen
Department of Communication and Psychology – Aalborg University


Box 18 (Reid-Rosser)

1) Reid, Thomas, An Inquiry into the Mind, on the Principles of Common Sense, Ch. VI, Section IX. First published in 1764.
2) Rescher, Nicholas, Aristotle’s Theory of Modal Syllogisms and its Interpretation. MS, 39 p. Published as book.
3) Rescher, Nicholas, Assertion Logic. MS, 29 p. Unpublished.
4) Rescher, Nicholas, The Concept of Nonexistent Individuals. MS, 46 p. Unpublished.
5) Rescher, Nicholas, Cosmic Evolution in Anaximander, Studium Generale, 11. Jahrg., Heft 12, S.718-731,1958
6) Rescher, Nicholas, An Intuitive Interpretation of Systems of Four-Valued Logic. MS, 5 p. Published in Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 1965.
7) Rescher, Nicholas, Notes on the Concept of Existence in Arabian Logic and Philosophy. MS, 16 p. Published in Philosophical Studies.
8) Rescher, Nicholas & John Robinson: Temporally Conditioned Descriptions. MS, 11 p. Published in Ratio 1966.
9) Rescher, Nicholas, Is Time Travel Really Possible. MS 3p.
10) Rescher, Nicholas & Urquhart, Alasdair, Temporal Logic. 1969. MS. Published as book.
11) Letters from B. Richards, Uxbridge, on problems the logic of ‘before’. Dated in 1968 and 1969.
12) Richards, Thomas B., The Doctrine of Distribution. MS, 16. p. 1969. Unpublished.
13) Richards, Thomas B., The Logic of Assertion. MS, 17 p. Unpublished.
14) Richards, Thomas B., Pragmatic Theory. Abstract and Introduction. Thesis submitted for the degree of D.Phil.,1967, 4 p.
15) Ridder, J., Über modale Aussagenlogiken und ihren Zusammenhang mit Strukturen. I. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1952.
16) Ridder, J., Über modale Aussagenlogiken und ihren Zusammenhang mit Strukturen. II. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1952.
17) Ridder, J., Über modale Aussagenlogiken und ihren Zusammenhang mit Strukturen. III. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1953.
18) Ridder, J., Über modale Aussagenlogiken und ihren Zusammenhang mit Strukturen. IV. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1953.
19) Ridder, J., Über modale Aussagenlogiken und ihren Zusammenhang mit Strukturen. IVbis. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1953.
20) Ridder, J., Über modale Aussagenlogiken und ihren Zusammenhang mit Strukturen. V. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1954.
21) Ridder, J., Über modale Aussagenlogiken und ihren Zusammenhang mit Strukturen. VI. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1954.
22) Ridder, J., Über modale Aussagenlogiken und ihren Zusammenhang mit Strukturen. VIbis. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1954.
23) Ridder, J., Die Gentzen Schen Schluszverfahren in modalen Aussagenlogiken. I. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1955.
24) Ridder, J., Die Gentzen Schen Schluszverfahren in modalen Aussagenlogiken. II. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1955.
25) Ridder, J., Die Gentzen Schen Schluszverfahren in modalen Aussagenlogiken. III. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1955.
26) Ridder, J., Die Gentzen Schen Schluszverfahren in modalen Aussagenlogiken. IIIbis. Koninkl. Nederl. Ak. van Wet., 1955.
27) Rose, Alan, A Reduction in the Number of the Axioms of the Propositional Calculus, Norsk Matematisk Tidsskrift 1949
28) Rose, Alan, On the Use of a Complex (Quaternion) Velocity Potential in Three Dimensions, Comm. Math. Helv. vol. 24, fasc. 2 (1950)
29) Rose, Alan, Completeness of Lukasiewicz-Tarski Propositional Calculi, Math. Ann., Bd. 122 (1950)
30) Rose, Alan, A Lattice-Theoretic Characterisation of Three-valued Logic, J. of the London Math. Soc. Vol. 25, (1950).
31) Rose, Alan, Post Lattices, Norsk Matematisk Tidsskrift (1950).
32) Rose, Alan, An Axiom System for Three-valued logic, Methodos (1951).
33) Rose, Alan, A Formalization of the C-0 Propositional Calculus, Proc.Camb. Phil. Soc., (1951).
34) Rose, Alan, A Lattice-theoretic Characterisation of the aleph-zero-valued Propositional Calculus, Math. Ann., Bd. 123, (1951).
35) Rose, Alan, Remarque sur les notions d’independance et de non-contradiction, Logique Math. (1951).
36) Rose, Alan, Conditioned Disjunction as a primitive connective for the m-valued Propositional Calculus, Math. Ann. BD 123, (1951).
37) Rose, Alan, The Degree of Completeness of Some Lukasiewicz-Tarski Propsostional Calculi, J. of the London Math. Soc. Vol. 26, (1951).
38) Rose, Alan, A New Proof of a Theorem of Dienes, Norsk Matematisk Tidsskrift (1951).
39) Rose, Alan, The Degree of Completeness of a Partial System of the 2-valued Propositional Calculus, Math. Z., Band 54, (1951).
40) Rose, Alan, Axiom Systems for Three-valued logic, J. of the London Math. Soc. Vol. 26, (1951).
41) Rose, Alan, Strong Completeness of Fragments of the Propositional Calculus, Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 16, (1951).
42) Rose, Alan, Systems of Logic whose Truth-values form Lattices, Math. Ann. Bd. 123, (1951).
43) Rose, Alan: Sur les schemas d'axiomes pour les calculs propositionnels a m valeurs ayant des valeurs surdesignness. MS, 3p.
44) Rose, Alan: Review of ¨Some analogues of the Sheffer stroke function in n-valued logic¨ by Norman M. Martin. MS 2p. JSL 16 (1951) pp. 175-276.
45) Rose, Alan: An analogue of Ceva's theorem. Math. Gazette, Vol. 35 (1951) pp. 243-244.
46) Rose, Alan: An extension of the calculus of non-contradiction.Proc. London Math. Society, Ser. 2, Vol. 54, (1952).
47) Rose, Alan: Some generalised Sheffer functions. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Society, Vol. 48, (1952).
48) Rose, Alan: Le degree de saturation du calcul propositionnel implicatif a trois valeurs de Sobocinski. 3p. (1952).
49) Rose, Alan: Sur un ensemble de functions primitives pour le calcul des predicats du premier ordre lequel constitue son propre dual. 2p. (1952).
50) Rose, Alan: The degree of completeness of the m-valued Lukasiewiecz propositional calculus. London Math. Society, Vol. 27, (1952).
51) Rose, Alan: A formalisation of Post's m-valued propositional calculus. Math. Zeit., Band 56, heft 1 (1952).
52) Rose, Alan: Extensions of some theorems of Schmidt and McKinsey. Norsk Matematisk Tidskrift (1952).
53) Rose, Alan: Eight-valued geometry. Proc. London Math. Society, Vol. 3, (1952).
54) Rose, Alan: The m-valued calculus of non-contradiction. JSL Vol. 18 (1953).
55) Rose, Alan: An Extension of computational logic. JSL Vol. 17 (1952).
56) Rose, Alan: A formalization of an aleph-zero-valued propositional calculus. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Society, Vol. 49 (1953).
57) Rose, Alan: A formalisation of Sobocinski's three-valued implicational propositional calculus. J. of Computing Systems, Vol. 1 (1953).
58) Rose, Alan: Self-dual primitives for modal logic. Math. An., Bd. 125 (1953).
59) Rose, Alan: Some self-dual primitive functions for propositional calculi. Math. An., Bd. 126 (1953).
60) Rose, Alan: Fragments of the m-valued propositional calculus. Math. Zeit., Bd. 59 (1953).
61) Rose, Alan: The degree of completeness of the aleph-zero-valued Lukasiewicz propositional calculus. J. of the London Math. Society, Vol. 28 (1953).
62) Rose, Alan: Conditioned disjunction as a primitive connective for the erweiterter aussagenkalkul. JSL Vol. 18 (1953).
63) Rose, Alan: Caracterisation, au moyen de la theorie des treillis, du calcul de propositions a foncteurs variables. 2p.
64) Rose, Alan: Sur les fonctions definissables dans une logique a un nombre infini de valeurs. 3p. (1954).
65) Rose, Alan: Formalisation of the 2-valued propositional calculus with self-dual primitives. Math. An., Bd. 127 (1954).
66) Rose, Alan: Le degree saturation du calcul propositionnel implicatif a m valeurs de Lukasiewicz. 2 p. (1955).
67) Rose, Alan: An alternative formalisation of Sobocinski's three-valued implicational propositional calculus. Zeit. f. math. logik und grundlagen d. math. Bd. 2 (1956).
68) Rose, Alan: Formalisation du calcul propositionnel implicatif a aleph-un valeurs de Lukasiewicz. 4p. (1956).
69) Rose, Alan: Formalisation du calcul propositionnel implicatif a m valeurs de Lukasiewicz. 2p. (1956).
70) Rose, Alan: Sur les elements unversels de decision. 4p. (1957).
71) Rose, Alan & Rosser, J. B.: Fragments of many-valued statement calculi. Trans. American Math. Society., Vol. 87 (1958).
72) Rose, Alan & Pugmire, J. M.: Formulae corresponding to universal decision elements. Zeit. f. math. logik und grundlagen d. math. Bd. 4 (1958).
73) Rose, Alan: The use of universal decision elements as flip-flops. Zeit. f. math. logik und grundlagen d. math. Bd. 4 (1958).
74) Rose, Alan: Applications of logical computers to the construction of electrical control tables for signalling frames. Zeit. f. math. logik und grundlagen d. math. Bd. 4 (1958).
75) Rose, Alan: Many-valued logical machines. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Society, Vol. 54 (1958).
76) Rose, Alan: Sur les definitions de l'implication et de negation dans certains systemes de logique dont les valeurs forment des treillis. 3p. (1958).
77) Rose, Alan: A note on the presentation of general recursive functions and the mu quantifier. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Society, Vol. 55 (1959).
78) Rose, Alan: Nouvelle methode pour determiner les formules qui correspondent a des elements universels de decision. 4p. (1959).
79) Rose, Alan: Un multiplicateur ultrarapide. 3p. (1959).
80) Rose, Alan: Some formalisations of aleph-zero-valued propositional calculi. Zeit. f. math. logik und grundlagen d. math. Bd. 2 (1956).
81) Rose, Alan: A high speed parallel adder. MS Zeit. f. Math. Logik, Vol. 5 (1959).
82) Rose, Alan: A note on the use of logical computers to determine the most efficient method of using factory machines. MS Proc. Cambridge Phil. Society.
83) Rose, Alan: An extension of a theorem of Margaris. MS JSL 1960.
84) Rose, Alan, Many-valued Logical Machines, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. Vol 54 (1958).
85) Rose, Alan, Further Applications to Logical Computers to the Construction of Electrical Control Tables for Signalling Frames. MS. 47 p.
86) Rosenkrantz, R.D. Untitled MS. 80 p. 1967.
87) Rosser, J.B., Many-valued Logics, MS 2p., JSL 1953.

Updated December 23, 2017