Foundations of Temporal Logic – The WWW-site for Prior-studies
a joint project between
Department of Information Studies – University of Copenhagen
Department of Communication and Psychology – Aalborg University


Boxes 23-29 / A

Offprints from the collection of A.N. Prior
donated by
Mrs. Prior
These offprints must be ordered up from the basement stack.
Readers are requested to ask for these only if they are not available in the main offprint collection.
Ackermann, W. Begründung einer strengen Implikation (Journal of symbolic logic, 21 (2), June 1956)
Ajdukiewicz, K. The axiomatic systems from the methodological point of view (Studia logica, 9, 1960)
Ajdukiewicz, K. Epistemology and semiotic (Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam, 1948)
Ajdukiewicz, K. La notion de rationalité des méthodes d’inférence faillibles (Logique et analyse, 2, Janvier 1959)
Ajdukiewicz, K. Okres warunkowy a implikacja materialna (Studia logica, 4, 1956)
Ajdukiewicz, K. On the notion of existence (Studia philosophica, 4, 1951)
Ajdukiewicz, K. Le problème du fondement des propositions analytiques (Studia logica, 8, 1958)
Ajdukiewicz, K. Three concepts of definition (Logique et analyse, 1, Août 1958
Ajdukiewicz, K. Zwiazki skladniowe miedzy czlonami zdan oznajmujacych (Studia filozoficzne, 6 (21), 1960)
Aldrich, V.C. Chess not without the queen (Proceedings and addresses of the American Philosophical Association, 31, October 1958)
Allen, I.M. The Hippocratic ideal (New Zealand medical journal, 53 (296), August 1954)
Anderson, A.R./Belnap, N.D. Enthymemes (Journal of philosophy, 58 (23), November 1961)
Anderson, A.R./Belnap, N.D. First degree entailments(Math. Annalen, 149, 1963)
Anderson, A.R./Moore, O.K. The formal analysis of normative concepts (2 copies) (Amercian sociological review, 22(1), February 1957)
Anderson, A.R. The logic of norms (2 copies) (Logique et analyse, 1, Avril 1958)
Anderson, A.R. Mathematics and the "language game" (Review of metaphysics, 9 (3), March 1958)
Anderson, A.R./Belnap, N.D. The pure calculus of entailment (Journal of symbolic logic, 27 (1), March 1962)
Anderson, A.R. A reduction of deontic logic to alethic modal logic (Mind, 67 (265), January 1968)
Anderson, A.R./Belnap, N.D. A simple treatment of truth functions (Journal of symbolic logic, 24 (4), December 1959)
Anderson, A.R. Some nasty problems in the formal logic of ethics (Noûs, 1 (4), 1967)
Anderson, A.R./Moore, O.K. Some puzzling aspects of social interaction (Review of metaphysics, 15 (3), March 1962)
Anon. The image of New Zealand in the poetry of Ursula Bethell (Typescript)
Anscombe, G.E.M. Before and after (Philosophical review, 73 (1), January 1964)
Anscombe, G.E.M. The new theory of forms (Monist, 50 (3), July 1966)
Åqvist, L. Interpretations of deontic logic (Mind, 73 (290), April 1964)
Åqvist, L. On Dawson-models for deontic logic (Logique et analyse, 7, Avril 1964)
Åqvist, L. Results concerning some modal systems that contain S2 (Journal of symbolic logic, 29 (2), June 1964)
Åqvist, L. A solution to Moore’s paradox (Philosophical studies, 15 (1-2) January-February 1964)
Arai, Y. On axiom systems of propositional calculi II (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (6), 1965)
Arai, Y. On axiom sysems of propositional calclui III (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (7), 1965)
Arai, Y. On axiom systems of propositional calculi XII (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (10), 1965)
Arai, Y. On axiom systems of propositional calculi XVII (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (4), 1966) (Aristotleian Society Supplementary volume, 1959)
Austin, J.L. Ifs and cans (Proceedings of the British Academy, 42, 1956)
Ayer, A.J. Thinking and meaning (Inaugural lecture as Grote Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and Logic, University College London, Lewis, London, 1947)
Updated December 23, 2017