Foundations of Temporal Logic – The WWW-site for Prior-studies
a joint project between
Department of Information Studies – University of Copenhagen
Department of Communication and Psychology – Aalborg University


Boxes 23-29 / C

Offprints from the collection of A.N. Prior
donated by
Mrs. Prior
These offprints must be ordered up from the basement stack.
Readers are requested to ask for these only if they are not available in the main offprint collection.
Cameron, J.M. Miracles (The month, 22 (5), November 1959)
Cameron, J.M. Poetry and dialectic (Inaugural lecture, Leeds, 1961)
Cameron, J.M. Words and things, by Ernest Gellner (Philosophical studies, 9, December 1959)
Campbell, R. Modality de dicto and de re (Australasian journal of philosophy, December 1964)
Canty, J.T. Completeness of Copi’s method of deduction (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 4 (2), April 1963)
Canty, J.T. A natural deduction system for modal logic (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 5 (3), July 1964)
Canty, J.T. A note on the axiomatization of Rubin’s system (S) (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 6 (3), July 1965)
Canty, J.T. The numerical epsilon (Nôtre Dame journal of formal loigc, 10 (1), January 1969)
Canty, J.T. On symbolizing singularity S5 functions (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 9 (4), October 1968)
Canty, J.T. Systems classically axiomatized and properly contained in Lewis’s S3 (Nôtre Dame journal of formal loigc, 6 (4), October 1965)
Castañeda, H.-N. Actions, imperatives, and obligations (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1967)
Castañeda, H.-N. Acts, the logic of obligation, and deontic calculi (Philosophical studies, 19 (1-2), January-February 1968)
Castañeda, H.-N. Analytic propositions, definitions and the a priori (Ratio, 2 (1), August 1959)
Castañeda, H.-N. "He" : a study in the logic of self-consciousness (Ratio, 8 (2), December 1966)
Castañeda, H.-N. Imperative reasonings (Philosophy and phenomenological research, 21 (1), September 1960)
Castañeda, H.-N. Indicators and quasi-indicators (American philosophical quarterly, 4 (2), April 1967)
Castañeda, H.-N. The logic of obligation (Philosophical studies, 10 (2), February 1959)
Castañeda, H.-N. Obligation and modal logic (Logique et analyse, 3, Janvier 1960)
Castañeda, H.-N. Omniscience and indexical reference (Journal of philosophy, 64 (7), April 1967)
Castañeda, H.-N. On the logic of attributions of self-knowledge to others (Journal of philosophy, 65 (15), August 1968)
Castañeda, H.-N. On the logic of self-knowledge (Noûs, 1 (1), March 1967)
Castañeda, H.-N. Un sistema general de lógica normativa (Dianoia, 1957)
Chappell, V.C. Time and Zeno’s arrow (Journal of philosophy, 59 (3), April 1962)
Chisholm, R.M. Brentano, Franz (Encyclopedia of philosophy, vol. 1, ed. P. Edwards, 1967)
Chisholm, R.M. Brentano’s theory of correct and incorrect emotion (Revue internationale de philosophie, 78 (4), 1966)
Chisholm, R.M. Comments on the "proposal theory" of philosophy (Journal of philosophy, 49 (9), April 1952)
Chisholm, R.M. Contrary-to-duty imperatives and deontic logic (Analysis, n.d.)
Chisholm, R.M. Ducasse’s theory of properties and qualities (Philosophy and phenomenological research, 13 (1), September 1952)
Chisholm, R.M. The ethics of requirement (American philosophical quarterly, 1 (2), April 1964)
Chisholm, R.M. Inference by complementary elimination (Journal of symbolic logic, 22 (3), September 1957)
Chisholm, R.M. Intentionality (Encyclopedia of philosophy, vol. 4, ed. P. Edwards, 1967)
Chisholm, R.M. Intentionality and the theory of signs (Philosophical studies, 3 (4), June 1952)
Chisholm, R.M. J. L. Austin’s philosophical paperss (Mind, 73 (289), January 1964)
Chisholm, R.M. Law statements and counterfactual inference (Analysis 15 (5), April 1955)
Chisholm, R.M. Leibniz’s law in belief contexts (Contributions to logic and methodology in honor of J.M. Bochenski, ed. A.-T. Tymieniecka, 1965)
Chisholm, R.M. The logic of knowing (Journal of philosophy, 60 (25), December 1963)
Chisholm, R.M. Meinong, Alexius (Encyclopedia of philosophy, vol. 5, ed. P. Edwards, 1967)
Chisholm, R.M. A note on Carnap’s meaning analysis (Philosophical studies, 6 (6), December 1955)
Chisholm, R.M. On the logic of believing (Philosophy and phenomenological research, 24 (2), December 1963)
Chisholm, R.M. On preference, probability, and learning (Synthese, 16, 1966)
Chisholm, R.M. On some psychological concepts and the "logic" of intentionality (Intentionality, minds, and perception, ed. H.-N. Castañeda, 1967)
Chisholm, R.M. On the logic of "intrinsically better" (American philosophical quarterly, 3 (3), July 1966)
Chisholm, R.M. Philosophers and ordinary language (Philosophical review, 60 (3), July 1951)
Chisholm, R.M. Philosophical essays, by A.J. Ayer (Journal of philosophy, 52 (7), March 1955)
Chisholm, R.M. Problems of analysis (Philosophical review, 64 (4), October 1955)
Chisholm, R.M. Query on substitutivity (Boston studies in the philosophy of science, 2, 1965)
Chisholm, R.M. Semantics and the philosophy of language, edited by Leonard Linsky, and Meaning, communication, and value, by Paul Kecskemeti (Philosophy and phenomenological research, 14 (1), September 1953)
Chisholm, R.M. Sentences about believing (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1956)
Chisholm, R.M. Supererogation and offence : a conceptual scheme for ethics (Ratio, 5 (1), June 1963)
Church, A. Brief bibliography of formal logic (Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Science, 80 92), May 1952)
Church, A. Carnap’s introduction to semantics (Philosophical review, 52 (3), 1943)
Church, A. Conditioned disjunction as a primitive connective for the propositional calculus (Portugaliae mathematica, 7 (2), 1948)
Church, A. Contributions to the analysis and synthesis of knowledge (Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciencess, 80 (1), July 1951)
Church, A. Eighth meeting of the association for symbolic logic (Journal of symbolic logic, 11 (1), March 1946)
Church, A. A formulation of the logic of sense and denotation (Structure, method and meaning : essays in honor of Henry M. Sheffer, 1951)
Church, A. The history of the question of existential import of categorical propositions (Proceedings of the 1964 International congress for logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Jerusalem, 1964)
Church, A. Intensional isomorphism and identity of belief (Philosophical studies, 5 (5), October 1954)
Church, A. Misogyny and ontological commitment (Typescript of lecture given at Harvard University, April 1958)
Church, A. Introduction to logic, by Patrick Suppess (Science, 126 (3285), December 1957)
Church, A. Non-normal truth tables for the propositional calculus (Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, 10 (1,2), 1953)
Church, A. On Carnap’s analysis of statements of assertion and belief (Analysis, 10 (5), April 1950)
Church, A. Special cases of the decision problem (Revue philosophique de Louvain, 49, May 1951)
Clifford, J.E. Tense logic and the logic of chance (Logique et analyse, 9, Juin 1966)
Cohen, L.J. Can the logic of indirect discourse be formalised? (Journal of symbolic logic, 22 (3), September 1957)
Cohen, L.J. Why do Cretans have to say so much? (Philosophcial studies, 12 (5), October 1961)
Cresswell, M.J. Alternative completeness theorems for modal systems (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 8 (4), October 1967)
Cresswell, M.J. Completeness without the Barcan formula (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 9 (1), January 1968)
Cresswell, M.J. A Henkin comlpeteness theorem for T (Nôtre Dame Journal of formal logic, 8 (3), July 1967)
Cresswell, M.J. The logic of imperatives (Proceedings of the 8th logic colloquium, Oxford, July 1963)
Cresswell, M.J. On the logic of incomlete answers (Journal of symbolic logic, 28 (1), March 1963)
Cresswell, M.J. Propositional arithmetic (Logique et analyse, 7, Décembre 1964)
Cresswell, M.J. Propositional identity (Logique et analyse, 10, Décembre 1967)
Cresswell, M.J. Another basis for S4 (Logique et analyse, 8, Septembre 1963)
Cresswell, M.J. Some further semantics for deontic logic (Logique et analyse, 10, Juin 1967)
Curry, H.B. The inferential approach to logical calculus (Logique et analyse, 4, Avril 1961)

Updated December 23, 2017