Foundations of Temporal Logic – The WWW-site for Prior-studies
a joint project between
Department of Information Studies – University of Copenhagen
Department of Communication and Psychology – Aalborg University


Boxes 23-29 / K

Offprints from the collection of A.N. Prior
donated by
Mrs. Prior
These offprints must be ordered up from the basement stack.
Readers are requested to ask for these only if they are not available in the main offprint collection.
Kalinowski, G. La aportación de la lógica contemporánea estudio del carácter sistemático del derecho (Revista del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales)
Kalinowski, G. Axiomatisation et formalisation de la théorie hexagonale de l’opposition de M.R. Blanché (Études philosophiques, 22 (2), Avril-juin 1967)
Kalinowski, G. Le bien, la morale et la justice (Archives de philosophie du droit, 11, 1966)
Kalinowski, G. La critique de la logique déontique husserlienne (Archives de philosophie du droit, 10, 1965)
Kalinowski, G. De la spécificité de la logique juridique (Archives de philosophie du droit, 11, 1966)
Kalinowski, G. Logique déontique et logique juridique (Études philosophiques, 20 (2), Avril-juin 1965)
Kalinowski, G. La logique des normes d’Edmund Husserl (Archives de philosophie du droit, 10, 1965)
Kalinowski, G. La logique des valuers d’Edmund Husserl (Archives de philosophie du droit, 13, 1968)
Kalinowski, G. La norme, l’action et la théorie des propositions normatives (Studia logica, 14, 1963)
Kalinowski, G. Note critique sur la logique déontique d’Alf Ross (Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 55 (1), 1969)
Kalinowski, G. Obligation dérivée et logique déontique relationnelle (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 5 (3), July 1964)
Kalinowski, G. Possibilité et structure de la logique déontique (Archives de philosophie du droit, 10, 1965)
Kalinowski, G. Sur la vérité des normes (Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, 45 (3-4), Luglio-Dicembre 1968)
Kalinowski, G. Teoria zdan normatywnych=Theorie des propositions normatives (Journal of symbolic logic, n.d.)
Kalinowski, G. Les thèmes actuels de la logique déontique (Studia logica, 17, 1965)
Kalman, J.A. Equational completeness and families of sets closed under subtraction (Proceedings of Akademie van Wetenschappen Series A, 63 (4), 1960)
Kanger, S. The morning star paradox (Theoria, 23 (1), 1957)
Kanger, S. A note on quantification and modalities (Theoria, 23 (2), 1957)
Kanger, S. & H. Rights and parliamentarism (Theoria, 1966)
Kenny, A. Death and the philosophers (The listener, 7 July 1966)
Kenny,A./Prior, A.N. Oratio obliqua (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 37 (1963), pp.115-126.)
King-Farlow, J. Three questions for Prior on time (No source given)
Kneale, M. Logical and metaphysical necessity (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1938)
Kneale, M. Modality de dicto and de re (Logic, methodology and philosophy of science : Proceedings of the 1960 international congress, ed. E. Nagel et al., 1962)
Kneale, W. Universality and necessity (British journal for the philosophy of science, 12 (46), 1961)
Kotarbinska, J. Controversy on the applicability limits of logical methods (Logique et analyse, 29, Avril 1965)
Kotarbinska, J. On ostensive definitions (Philosophy of science, 27 (1), January 1960)
Kotarbinski, T. The basic postulate of concretism (Zeichen und System der Sprache, 1, 1961)
Kotarbinski, T. The concept of action (Journal of philosophy, 67 (7), March 1960)
Kotarbinski, T. L’image de mes idées (Ricerche filosofiche, 33 (2), Dicembre 1965)
Kotarbinski, T. Labour productivity (Paper read to the Conference on labour productivity, Warsaw, January 1960)
Kotarbinski, T. La logique en Pologne (Accademia Polacca di Scienze e Lettere, 7, 1959)
Kotarbinski, T. La philosophie dans la Pologne contemporaine (La philosophie au milieu du vigntième siècle : chroniques, ed. R. Klibansky, 1959)
Kotarbinski, T. Praxiological sentences and how they are proved (No source given)
Kotarbinski, T. Problèmes d’une éthique indépendante (Morale et enseignement, 28, 1958)
Kotarbinski, T. Psychological propositions (Scientific philosophy, ed. B.B. Wolman, 1965)
Kotarbinski, T. Resim : issues and prospects (Logique et analyse, 44, Décember 1968)
Kotarbinski, T. Science in people’s Poland, 1944-1959 (Report delivered at the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences, June 1959)
Kotarbinski, T. The tasks and problems of praxiology (Prakseologia, 31, 1968-9)
Kotarbinski, T. A tentative description of ethical appraisal (Polish facts and figures, n.d.)
Kotarbinski, T. The values of a good plan (Review of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 7, 1962)
Kripke, S. Semantical analysis of modal logic I : normal modal prepositional calculi (Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., 9, 1963)
Kripke, S. The undecidability of monadic modal quantification theory (Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., 8, 1962)
Kron, A. Dva primera polivalentne logike (Filozofija, n.d.)
Kron, A. O jednoj interpretaciji polivalentnih logika (Filozofija, n.d.)
Kubinski, T. An attempt to bring logic nearer to colloquial language (Studia logica, 10, 1960)
Kubinski, T. Katedra logiki na Wydziale Filofozifczno-Historycznym Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego (Annales Silesiae, 1, 1960)
Kubinski, T. Nazwy nieostre (Studia logica, 7, 1958)
Kubinski, T. On structurality of rules of inference (Wroclaw Scientific Society, 1965)
Kubinski, T. Pewne pojecia konsekwencji szabych I ich zastosowania (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 21, 1964)
Kubinski, T. O pojeciu pytania I rachunku operatorow pytajnych (Ruch filozoficzny, 25, 1966)
Kubinski, T. A proof of consistency of Borkowski’s logical system containing Peano’s arithmetic (Studia logica, 14, 1963)
Kubinski, T. Przeglad nietktórych zagadnien logiki pytan (Studia logica, 18, 1966)
Kubinski, T. Systemy dedukcyjne logiki pytan (Ruch filozoficzny, 26, 1967)
Kubinski, T. Systemy pozornie sprzeczne (Zeszty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 3, 1959)
Kubinski, T. Two kinds of quotation mark expressions in formalized languages (Studia logica, 17, 1965)
Kubinski, T. Wyrazenia cudzyslowowe w jezykach sformalizowanych (Ruch filozoficzny, 23, 1964)
Küng, G. Polish logic 1920-1939 (Philosophical studies, 17, 1968)
Updated December 23, 2017