Foundations of Temporal Logic – The WWW-site for Prior-studies
a joint project between
Department of Information Studies – University of Copenhagen
Department of Communication and Psychology – Aalborg University


Boxes 23-29 / N

Offprints from the collection of A.N. Prior
donated by
Mrs. Prior
These offprints must be ordered up from the basement stack.
Readers are requested to ask for these only if they are not available in the main offprint collection.
Naknikian, G. An enquiry into goodness by F.E. Sparshott (Natural law forum, 6, 1961)
Nerlich, G.C. Sameness, difference and continuity (Analysis, n.d.)
Nisbet, L. A chimera is a chimera : a medieval tautology (Journal of the history of ideas, 21 (2), April-June 1960)
Nisbet, L. Classifications of supposition in medieval logic (Tulane studies in philosophy, 5, 1956)
Nisbet, L. Every proposition is false : a medieval paradox (Tulane studies in philosophy, 2, 1953)
Nisebet, L. Formalism of terminist logic in the fourteenth century (Tulane studies in philosophy, 1, 1952)
Nishimura, I. On formulas of one variable in intutitionistic propositional calculus (Journal of symbolic logic, 25 (4), December 1960)
Nolin, L. Sur l’algèbre des prédicats (1958 Le raisonnement en mathématiques et en sciences expérimentales pp. 33--37 Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, LXX Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris)
Updated December 23, 2017