Additions to bibliography
Additions to Bibliography of
A. N. Prior's Writings
by Per Hasle
1938 | 1939 | 1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1949 | 1950 | 1951 | 1955 | 1961 | 1964 | 1968
This document is an addition to the already known bibliography published as:
Øhrstrøm, P.; Flo, Olav: 1996, 'Bibliography of A. N. Prior's Philosophical Writings'. In Copeland, Jack (editor): 1996, Logic and Reality: Essays in the Legacy of Arthur Prior, Oxford University Press/Clarendon Press, pp. 519-532.
An improved version of this bibliography is found at this site; see also the introduction to Bibliography of A. N. Prior's Writings.
All the items listed are new as compared with the two earlier Prior-bibliographies (Flo 1970 and Øhrstrøm/Flo 1996). The referencing system is the same as the one used by Øhrstrøm/Flo, as explained in Peter Øhrstrøm's introduction to the 1996-Bibliography. In this case it means that "new" papers from some year, say 1940, are continued from the last reference of that year (1940c), such that the first additional reference for 1940 given here will be numbered as '1940d'.
To a large extent the additions are based on Mary Prior's listing of the contents of some of the material in box 11 (See Two scrapbooks/box 11 and First folder/box 11); ; from a practical point of view this means that the items are found in this place. (Due to their fragile state, The Bodleian Library will remove the scrapbooks from box 11; however, their contents will be made available on micro-fiche). Compared with Mary Prior's list we have, however, omitted minor newspaper articles and letters by Prior, a few papers on which we have only obscure data, and of course items about but not by Prior (for instance newspaper articles on lectures and discussions involving Prior). On the other hand, we have included other hitherto unlisted papers by Prior, located from other sources. These are indicated by a (*).
In many cases it has been possible to certify the material directly from the sources of publication, but it must be borne in mind that not all material listed here has been certified systematically. The material in the two scrapbooks is typically cut out of the periodical in which it appeared, but with the place of publication added by hand (by Arthur or Mary Prior). Nevertheless, some data is often lost, typically page numbers, which are for that reason sometimes missing here. Where the dating and/or periodical is an open question, the item has been omitted here; fortunately this goes for only about 10 papers.
In a few cases where the date and/or the name of the periodical in question is missing, it has nevertheless been possible to make a highly probable guess (for instance based on typographical data); these items are included, but indicated by a (?).
When the additions have all been certified and some further journals have been analysed, it is hoped that one single and final bibliography of Prior's writings can be produced.
--- Per Hasle
1938 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- Review of 'Modern Man & Religion' by T.G. Masaryk. Time & Tide, 11 June, 1938.
- A Return to Calvin. The Christian World. 23 June, 1938.
- Review of 'An Outline of Psychology' by H. Lyster Jameson. Peace News. 9 July, 1938.
- The Calvinist Congress. Barthianism versus Fundamentalism. The Christian World (?).14 July, 1938.
- Calvinistic Congress at Edinburgh. The British Weekly. 14 July, 1938.
- The Calvinist Congress. "Closed" & "Open" Theories. The Christian World. 21 July, 1938.
- Review of 'The Land of Liberty' by James Curtis and 'Liberty Today' by C.E.M. Joad. Time & Tide. 13 August, 1938.
- World Calvinism at Edinburgh. Theology. September 1938.
- Beyond Tragedy. The Contemporary Review. September 1938.
- With the Freethinkers - Our Representative at the Congress. The Christian World. 15 September, 1938.
- The Tragic Dilemma - The Christian Pacifist Congress. The Church Times. 30 September, 1938.
- Calvinism Old & New. The London Quarterly. October 1938.
- Calvinism & Christianity. The Congregational Quarterly. October 1938.
- Review of 'Religion in Essence & Manifestation' by G. van der Leeuw. The Hibbert Journal (4 pages). October 1938.
- The Christian Pacifist Congress. The Christian Quarterly. October 1938.
- Review of 'World Community' by Wm. Paton. The Christian Quarterly (?). October 1938.
- Review of 'The Ideals of Humanity & How to Work' and 'Modern Man & Religion' by T.G. Masaryk. The Student. October 1938.
- Dr. Lowrie on Kierkegaard. The Evangelical Quarterly. 15 October, 1938.
- Review of 'The Question & the Answer' by Hillaire Belloc. The New English Weekly. 17 November, 1938.
- Totalitarian Christianity. The Churchman. 1938.
1939 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- Karl Barth's Gifford Lectures. The Evangelical Quarterly. January 1939, pp. 95-96.
- The Bible, Source of our Spiritual Life. The Bible & Modern Religious Thought. January 1939.
- The Covenanting Testimony Revived. The Covenanter, Vol. 1, No. 2. February 1939.
- Review of 'A Popular History of the Church' by Philip Hughes and 'Crisis for Christianity' by Wm. Teeling. The New English Weekly. 2 March, 1939.
- Review of 'T.E. Hulme' by Michael Roberts. Philosophy. April 1939.
- Review of 'Religion in Essence & Manifestation' by G. van der Leeuw. Purpose (2 pages). April-June 1939.
- Review of The New Testament. Translated by William Tyndal. Edited by N. Hardy Wallis. Cambridge University Press. The Student. May 1939.
- Review of 'New Tyrannies for Old', by Lord Snell et al. The New English Weekly. 22 June, 1939.
- Future of Party Government. The Listener. 29 June, 1939.
- The Czech Church in Exile. The Christian World. 13 July, 1939.
- Christian Youth at Amsterdam. The Record. 4 August, 1939.
- Review of 'My New Zealand' by A.J. Harrop. The New English Weekly. 28 September, 1939.
- Christian Youth in World Conference. World Dominion. October 1939.
- Review of "The Church and Political Problem of Our Day" by K. Barth. International Affairs. November 1939.
1940 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- The Analogy of the Faith. The Congregational Quarterly. January 1940.
- The Basic Task of Christian Education. The Teaching Review. February 1940.
- Christian Youth on the Eve of War. Methodist Magazine. February 1940.
- Theology & Politics. The New English Weekly. 8 February, 1940.
- Speaking with Authority. (By "P"). The Presbyter. No. 3. March 1940.
- Review of 'Man in Revolt: A Christian Anthropology' by Emil Brunner. The New English Weekly. 7 March, 1940.
- Thinking Oecumenically. The Presbyter, No. 4. April 1940.
- Review of 'The Conflict of the Cross' by O.E. Burton. The Churchman. April-June 1940.
- Infant Baptism in the Church of Scotland. The Churchman. April-June 1940.
- The Butler of Scotland (Thomas Halyburton). The Contemporary Review. May 1940.
- Missions & the Home Front. International Review of Missions. July 1940.
- As Others See Us (2). A Presbyterian Looks at Quakerism. The Friend. 5 July, 1940.
- A Modest Proposal. The Presbyter. No. 8. August 1940.
- Christian News. Theology, pp. 165-169. September 1940.
- Between the Times. The Student. October 1940.
- Evangelicals and Presbyterians. The Church Gazette. October - November 1940.
- Unity Demands Unison. The N.Z. Congregational Monthly. November 1940.
1941 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- What May the Church Say to Men of Faith about their Political Responsibilities? The Presbyter. No. 13. January 1941.
- Some Mail Gone Missing. (Colour & the Church). The Outlook. 26 February, 1941.
- Something to Read I: Ulysses. The Student, pp. 3-4. March 1941.
- Revelation. The Expository Times, pp. 239-240. March 1941.
- Something to Read II: The Organism of Christian Truth. The Student, p. 4. April 1941.
- Who is my Neighbour - The Teaching of Frederick Kohlbrigge. The Congregational Quarterly (?). April 1941.
- Fashionable Tribalism. World Dominion. May-June 1941.
- Something to Read III: The Presbyter. The Student. September 1941.
- Something to Read III: The Possessed. The Student. September 1941.
- The Rule of Faith. The Churchman, pp. 265-274. October-December 1941.
- Something to Read IV: Some Books in V.U.C. [Victoria University College] Library. The Student. No date (1941 (?)).
- Something to Read IV: Passion & Society. The Student. No date (1941 (?)).
1942 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- The Church’s Witness & the Church’s Faith. The Presbyter, No. 25. January 1942.
- Texts & Contexts I. Friends & Foes. The Student. March 1942.
- How Barth Might Reply To Professor Allan. The Student. May 1942.
- Readers Guide to Barth’s Dogmatics. Theology, pp. 329-335. June 1942.
- The Forms of Thought of the Westminster Standards. The Presbyter, No. 31. July-August 1942.
- Texts & Contexts III. Why Callest Thou Me Good? The Student. August-September 1942.
- Texts & Contexts. The Kingdom of God is Within You. The Student. October 1942.
- Background of Westminster Assembly (Whitehorn). The Presbyter, No. 33. 1942.
1943 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- The Theology of James Joyce. The Presbyter. January 1943.
1944 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- The Gathered Church (A Catena of Presbyterian Answers to Congregationalism). The Presbyter. June 1944.
- Ordination & Election (A Catena of Presbyterian Answers to Congregationalism). The Presbyter. July 1944.
- Bouquets & Buckbats from New Zealand. The Presbyter. August 1944.
- With Mary Prior, What is "A Christian Novel". Doctrinal Patterns in the Possessed. The Presbyter. December 1944.
1945 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- Church, State & School. The Outlook. 24 January, 1945.
- Religion in Schools. The N.Z. Listener. 8 January & 23 February, 1945.
- With Mary Prior, Pro & Contra (a Study of The Bros. Karamasov by Dostoievsky). The Presbyter. February 1945.
- With Mary Prior, Easter Saturday (a Study of The Idiot by Dostoievsky). The Presbyter. May 1945.
- On Calling Names. The Student. September 1945.
- Mr. Arnold’s Improprieties. The Student. October 1945.
- S.C.M. [Students' Christian Movement] and the Church - Stage III. The Student. No. 8, p. 2. October 1945.
- Careless Talk. The Outlook. 17 October, 1945.
- (*) With Mary Prior, The Apocalypse of Ishmael. The Presbyter (pp. 27-30). November 1945.
- New Zealand’s National Heresy. Church & Community. November 1945.
1946 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- (*) On the Outside Always Looking In. The Student, No. 1, pp. 9–10 and 15. March 1946.
- Tomorrow We Die. The Student, No. 5, pp. 9–10. August 1946.
1947 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- (*) The Open Society. The Student, No. 1, pp. 12 and 14. March 1947.
1949 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- 'Emmanuel Swedenborg - Scientist & Mystic' by Signe Toksvig. The N.Z. Listener. 23 December, 1949.
- Review: How Things Began. 'Evolution and Philosophy' by G.H. Duggan. Controversy on evolution between A.N. Prior, G.H. Duggan, S.M. etc. - Letters in The N.Z. Listener. 9/23/30 December 1949, 6/20/27 January 1950, 3/10/17/24 February 1950 and 3 March 1950.
1950 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- Review of 'Mahommedanism' by H.A.R. Gibbs. Oxford University Press. The N.Z. Listener. 13 January, 1950.
1951 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- Review of 'A Manual of Christian Doctrine' by J.M. Bates. New Zealand Listener. 6 April, 1951.
1955 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- (*) Speaking about God. The Student, No. 5, pp. 7-10. September 1955.
1961 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- (*) Review of 'I.M. Bochenski: A history of formal logic' (1961). Mathematical Reviews, record 10899, Vol. 22 (1961), p. 1854.
1964 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- (*) Review of 'J. Dopp: Logiques construites par une méthode de déduction naturelle' (1962). The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 14 (1964), pp. 280-281.
- (*) Review of 'M.A.E. Dummett and E.J.Lemmon: 'Modal Logics between S4 and S5' (1959). Mathematical Reviews, record 27, Vol. 28 (1964), p. 6. [Cf. 1967n]
- (*) Review of 'Saul Kripke: The Undecidability of Monadic Modal Quantification Theory' (1962). Mathematical Reviews, record 2975, Vol. 28 (1964), p. 580.
- (*) Review of 'Heinrich Scholz: Concise History of Logic' (Philosophical Library, New York, 1961). Mathematical Reviews, record 2959, Vol. 28 (1964), pp. 576-577.
1968 ![Goto the top of the page]()
- (*) Review of 'Sophisms on Meaning and Truth' by John Buridan (1966, Translation by Th. K. Scott). The Philosophical Review, Vol. 77 (1968), pp. 516-519.