Prior Studies

Life and Work of Arthur Norman Prior

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Imai, Y./Iséki, K.On axiom systems of propositional calculi I
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (6), 1965)
Imai, Y./Iséki, K.On Griss algebra I
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (3), 1966)
Ingarden, R.The general question of the essence of form and content
(Journal of philosophy, 57 (7), March 1960)
Ingarden, R.A marginal commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics I
(Journal of aesthetics and art criticism, 20 (2), Winter 1961)
Ingarden, R.A marginal commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics II
(Journal of aesthetics and art criticism, 20 (3), Spring 1962)
Iséki, K.An algebra related with a propositional calculus
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (1), 1966)
Iséki, K.Algebraic formulations of propositional calculi
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (9), 1965)
Iséki, K.Axiom systems of B-algebra
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (9), 1965)
Iséki, K./Arai, Y.Axiom systems of B-algebra II
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (10), 1965)
Iséki, K.Une condition pour qu’un lattice soit distributif
(Portugaliæ Math., 6, 1947)
Iséki, K.Contributions to the theory of semi-groups III
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 32 (5), 1956)
Iséki, K.Contributions to the theory of semi-groups IV
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 32 (7), 1956)
Iséki, K.Contributions to the theory of semi-groups VI
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 33 (1), 1957)
Iséki, K./ 
Miyanaga, Y.
On a radical in a semiring
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 32 (8), 1956)
Iséki, K.On axiom systems of propositional calculi IV
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (7), 1965)
Iséki, K.On axiom systems of propositional calculi V
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (8), 1965)
Iséki, K.On axiom systems of propositional calculi VII
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (8), 1965)
Iséki, K./Tanaka,S.On axiom systems of propositional calculi X
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (9) 1965)
Iséki, K.On axiom systems of propositional calculi XV
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (3), 1966)
Iséki, K.On axiom systems of propositional calculi XXI
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (5), 1966)
Iséki, K.On mutant sets in semigroups
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 38 (8), 1962)
Iséki, K./ Cicileo, L.On the logarithmic property of the indices of endomorphism on a de linear space
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 40 (1), 1964)
Iséki, K.Some theorems in B-algebra
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (1), 1966)
Iséki, K.Some theorems in B-algebra II
(Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (5), 1966)
Iséki, K.A theorem on existence of solution for functional equations
(Mathematica Japonicae, 7, May 1962)
Ishiguro, H.Imagination
(Aristotelian Society supplementary volume, 61, 1967)
Ishimoto, A./ Fujikawa, Y.The construction of a subcalculus of Lewis S1 and its decision method
(Bulletin of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, 93, 1969)
Johnson, W.E.Analysis of thinking I
(Mind, 27 (105))
Johnson, W.E.Analysis of thinking II
(Mind, 27 (106))
Johnstone, H.W./ Price, R.Axioms for the implicational calculus with one variable
(Theoria, 30, 1964)
Jordan, Z.The development of philosophy and Marxism-Leninism in Poland since the war
(Studies in Soviet thought, 1, n.d.)
Jordan, Z.Logical determinism
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 4 (1), 1963)
Jørgensen, J.Towards a theory of inference
(Theoria, 25, 1959)
Kalinowski, G.La aportación de la lógica contemporánea estudio del carácter sistemático del derecho
(Revista del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales)
Kalinowski, G.Axiomatisation et formalisation de la théorie hexagonale de l’opposition de M.R. Blanché
(Études philosophiques, 22 (2), Avril-juin 1967)
Kalinowski, G.Le bien, la morale et la justice
(Archives de philosophie du droit, 11, 1966)
Kalinowski, G.La critique de la logique déontique husserlienne
(Archives de philosophie du droit, 10, 1965)
Kalinowski, G.De la spécificité de la logique juridique
(Archives de philosophie du droit, 11, 1966)
Kalinowski, G.Logique déontique et logique juridique
(Études philosophiques, 20 (2), Avril-juin 1965)
Kalinowski, G.La logique des normes d’Edmund Husserl
(Archives de philosophie du droit, 10, 1965)
Kalinowski, G.La logique des valuers d’Edmund Husserl
(Archives de philosophie du droit, 13, 1968)
Kalinowski, G.La norme, l’action et la théorie des propositions normatives
(Studia logica, 14, 1963)
Kalinowski, G.Note critique sur la logique déontique d’Alf Ross
(Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 55 (1), 1969)
Kalinowski, G.Obligation dérivée et logique déontique relationnelle
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 5 (3), July 1964)
Kalinowski, G.Possibilité et structure de la logique déontique
(Archives de philosophie du droit, 10, 1965)
Kalinowski, G.Sur la vérité des normes
(Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, 45 (3-4), Luglio-Dicembre 1968)
Kalinowski, G.Teoria zdan normatywnych=Theorie des propositions normatives
(Journal of symbolic logic, n.d.)
Kalinowski, G.Les thèmes actuels de la logique déontique
(Studia logica, 17, 1965)
Kalman, J.A.Equational completeness and families of sets closed under subtraction
(Proceedings of Akademie van Wetenschappen Series A, 63 (4), 1960)
Kanger, S.The morning star paradox 
(Theoria, 23 (1), 1957)
Kanger, S.A note on quantification and modalities
(Theoria, 23 (2), 1957)
Kanger, S. & H.Rights and parliamentarism
(Theoria, 1966)
Kenny, A.Death and the philosophers
(The listener, 7 July 1966)
Kenny,A./Prior, A.N.Oratio obliqua
(Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 37 (1963), pp.115-126.)
King-Farlow, J.Three questions for Prior on time
(No source given)
Kneale, M.Logical and metaphysical necessity
(Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1938)
Kneale, M.Modality de dicto and de re
(Logic, methodology and philosophy of science : Proceedings of the 1960 international congress, ed. E. Nagel et al., 1962)
Kneale, W.Universality and necessity
(British journal for the philosophy of science, 12 (46), 1961)
Kotarbinska, J.Controversy on the applicability limits of logical methods
(Logique et analyse, 29, Avril 1965)
Kotarbinska, J.On ostensive definitions
(Philosophy of science, 27 (1), January 1960)
Kotarbinski, T.The basic postulate of concretism
(Zeichen und System der Sprache, 1, 1961)
Kotarbinski, T.The concept of action
(Journal of philosophy, 67 (7), March 1960)
Kotarbinski, T.L’image de mes idées
(Ricerche filosofiche, 33 (2), Dicembre 1965)
Kotarbinski, T.Labour productivity
(Paper read to the Conference on labour productivity, Warsaw, January 1960)
Kotarbinski, T.La logique en Pologne
(Accademia Polacca di Scienze e Lettere, 7, 1959)
Kotarbinski, T.La philosophie dans la Pologne contemporaine
(La philosophie au milieu du vigntième siècle : chroniques, ed. R. Klibansky, 1959)
Kotarbinski, T.Praxiological sentences and how they are proved
(No source given)
Kotarbinski, T.Problèmes d’une éthique indépendante
(Morale et enseignement, 28, 1958)
Kotarbinski, T.Psychological propositions
(Scientific philosophy, ed. B.B. Wolman, 1965)
Kotarbinski, T.Resim : issues and prospects
(Logique et analyse, 44, Décember 1968)
Kotarbinski, T.Science in people’s Poland, 1944-1959
(Report delivered at the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences, June 1959)
Kotarbinski, T.The tasks and problems of praxiology
(Prakseologia, 31, 1968-9)
Kotarbinski, T.A tentative description of ethical appraisal
(Polish facts and figures, n.d.)
Kotarbinski, T.The values of a good plan
(Review of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 7, 1962)
Kripke, S.Semantical analysis of modal logic I : normal modal prepositional calculi
(Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., 9, 1963)
Kripke, S.The undecidability of monadic modal quantification theory
(Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., 8, 1962)
Kron, A.Dva primera polivalentne logike
(Filozofija, n.d.)
Kron, A.O jednoj interpretaciji polivalentnih logika
(Filozofija, n.d.)
Kubinski, T.An attempt to bring logic nearer to colloquial language
(Studia logica, 10, 1960)
Kubinski, T.Katedra logiki na Wydziale Filofozifczno-Historycznym Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego
(Annales Silesiae, 1, 1960)
Kubinski, T.Nazwy nieostre
(Studia logica, 7, 1958)
Kubinski, T.On structurality of rules of inference
(Wroclaw Scientific Society, 1965)
Kubinski, T.Pewne pojecia konsekwencji szabych I ich zastosowania
(Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 21, 1964)
Kubinski, T.O pojeciu pytania I rachunku operatorow pytajnych
(Ruch filozoficzny, 25, 1966)
Kubinski, T.A proof of consistency of Borkowski’s logical system containing Peano’s arithmetic
(Studia logica, 14, 1963)
Kubinski, T.Przeglad nietktórych zagadnien logiki pytan
(Studia logica, 18, 1966)
Kubinski, T.Systemy dedukcyjne logiki pytan
(Ruch filozoficzny, 26, 1967)
Kubinski, T.Systemy pozornie sprzeczne
(Zeszty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 3, 1959)
Kubinski, T.Two kinds of quotation mark expressions in formalized languages
(Studia logica, 17, 1965)
Kubinski, T.Wyrazenia cudzyslowowe w jezykach sformalizowanych
(Ruch filozoficzny, 23, 1964)
Küng, G.Polish logic 1920-1939
(Philosophical studies, 17, 1968)
Lakatos, I.Changes in the problem of inductive logic
(The problem of inductive logic, 1968)
Lakatos, I.Infinite regress and foundations of mathematics
(Aristotelian Society supplementary volume, 36, 1962)
Lambek, J.The mathematics of sentence structure
(American mathematical monthly, 65 (3), March 1958)
Lambert, K./ van Fraassen, V.On free description theory
(Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., 13, 1967)
Lambert, K./ Scharle, T.A translation theorem for two systems of free logic
(Logique et analyse, 39-40, Décember 1967)
Lambert, K./ Meyer, R.K.Universally free logic and standard quantification theory
(Journal of symbolic logic, 33 (1), March 1968)
Leblanc, H.The algebra of logic and the theory of deduction
(Journal of philosophy, 68 (19), September 1961)
Leblanc, H.On a recent allotment of probabilities to open and closed sentences
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 1 (4), 1960)
Leblanc, H.On requirements for conditional probability functions
(Journal of symbolic logic, 25 (3), September 1960)
Leblanc, H.Probabilities as truth-value estimates
(Philosophy of science, 28 (4), October 1961)
Lees, F.N.Identification and emotion in the novel
(British journal of aesthetics, 4 (2), April 1964)
Lejewski, C.Aristotle’s syllogistic and its extensions
(Synthese, 15 (2), June 1963)
Lejewski, C.A contribution to Lesniewski’s mereology
(Yearbook of Polish Society of Arts and Sciences Abroad, 1955)
Lejewski, C.Jan Lukasiewicz and the Warsaw School of Logic
(Published as an introduction to Dr. A. I. Sabra's Arabic translation of Jan Lukasiewicz's 'Aristotle's Syllogistic', Alexandria, 1961, pp. 41-69.) (*)
Lejewski, C.Logic and existence
(British journal for the philosophy of science, 5 (18), 1954)
Lejewski, C.A note on a problem concerning the axiomatic foundations of mereology
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 4 (2), April 1963)
Lejewski, C.On implicational definitions
(Studia logica, 8, 1958)
Lejewski, C.On prosleptic syllogisms
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 2 (3), 1961)
Lejewski, C.On Lesniewski’s ontology
(Ratio, 1 (2), December 1958)
Lejewski, C.The problem of ontological commitment
(No source given)
Lejewski, C.Proper names
(Aristotelian society supplementary volume, 31, 1957)
Lejewski, C.A propositional calculus in which three mutually undefinable functors are used as primary terms
(Studia logica, 22, 1968)
Lejewski, C.A re-examination of the Russellian theory of descriptions
(Philosophy, n.d.)
Lejewski, C.A single axiom for the mereological notion of proper part
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 8 (4), 1967)
Lejewski, C.Studies in the axiomatic foundations of Boolean algebra
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 1 (1), 1960)
Lejewski, C.Studies in the axiomatic foundations of Boolean algebra II
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 1 (3), 1960)
Lejewski, C.Studies in the axiomatic foundations of Boolean algebra III
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 2 (2), 1961)
Lejewski, C.A theory of non-reflexive identity and its ontological ramifications
(Proceedings of the 6. Forschungsgespräch held by the Institut für Wissenschaftstheorie in Salzburg, September 1965.)
Lemmon, E.J.Algebraic semantics for modal logics I
(Journal of symbolic logic, 28 (2), June 1963)
Lemmon, E.J.Algebraic semantics for modal logics II
(Journal of symbolic logic, 31 (4), December 1966)
Lemmon, E.J.Alternative postulate sets for Lewis’s S5
(Journal of symbolic logic, 21 (4), December 1956)
Lemmon, E.J.Deontic logic and the logic of imperatives
(Logique et analyse, 29, Avril 1963)
Lemmon, E.J.An extension algebra and the modal system T
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 1 (1), 1960)
Lemmon, E.J.Is there only one correct system of modal logic?
(No source given)
Lemmon, E.J.Moral dilemmas
(Philosophical review, 71 (2), April 1962)
Lemmon, E.J.New foundations for Lewis modal systems
(Journal of symbolic logic, 22 (2), June 1957)
Lemmon, E.J.Quantifiers and modal operators
(Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1958)
Lloyd, A.C.Aristotle’s Categories today
(Philosophical quarterly, 16, 1966)
Lloyd, A.C.Natural justice
(Philosophical quarterly, 12, 1962)
Löb, M.H.Constructive truth
(Constructivity in mathematics, n.d.)
Löb, M.H.Extensional interprestations of modal logics
(Journal of symbolic logic, 28 92), June 1963)
Löb, M.H.Solution of a problem of Leon Henkin
(Journal of symbolic logic, 20 (2), June 1955)
Lukasiewicz, J.On a controversial problem of Aristotle’s modal syllogistic
(Dominican studies, 7, 1954)
Lukasiewicz, J.On the intuitionistic theory of deduction
(Proceedings of Akademie van Wetenschappen Series A, 55 (3), 1952)
Lukasiewicz, J.On variable functors of propositional arguments
(Porceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 54 (2), 1951)
Lukasiewicz, J.The shortest axiom of the implicational calculus of propositions
(Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 52 (3), 1948)
Lukasiewicz, J.Sur la formalisation des théories mathématiques
(Les méthodes formelles en axiomatique. pp. 11--19; discussion, pp. 19--21. Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, no. 26, Paris, 1950, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1953.)
Lukasiewicz, J.A system of modal logic
(Journal of computing systems, 1 (3), 1953)
McCall, S.Abstract individuals
(Dialogue, 4 (3), 1965)
McCall, S.A modal logic with eight modalities
(Contributions to logic and methodology in honour of J.M. Bochenski, ed. A.-T. Tymieniecka, 1965)
McCall, S.The paradox of foreknowledge
(Dialogue, 6 (2), 1967)
McCall, S.Temporal flux
(American philosophical quarterly, 3 (4), October 1966)
MacDonald, I.D.Are there any principles in mathematics teaching?
(Australian mathematics teacher, 21 (2), July 1965)
MacDonald, I.D.Matrices as "new mathematics" I
(Australian mathematics teacher, 20 (1), April 1964)
MacDonald, I.D.Matrices as "new mathematics" II
(Australian mathematics teachers, 20 (2), July 1964)
MacDonald, I.D.An old discussion of mathematics in education
(Australian mathematics teacher, 21 (3), November 1965)
MacDonald, I.D.Thinking in symbols
(New science, n.d.)
Mach, E.The science of mechancis
(The science of mechanics : a critical and historical account of its development, 1960)
MacKay, D.M.Brain and will
(Faith and though, 90 (2), Autumn 1958)
MacKay, D.M.On the logical indeterminacy of a free choice
(Mind, 69 (273), January 1960)
Mackie, J.L.Causes and conditions
(Americal philosophical quarterly, 2 (4), October 1965)
Mackie, J.L.Conditionally-restricted operations
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 2 (4), 1961)
Mackie, J.L.Contemporary linguist philosophy : its strength and its weakness
(Inaugural lecture, University of Otago, 1956)
Mackie, J.L.The direction of causation
(Philosophical review, 75 (4), October 1966)
Mackie, J.L.The paradox of confirmation
(British journal for the philosophy of science, 13 (52), 1963)
Mackie, J.L.Philosophy : its place in the universities
(Vestes, 4 (3), September 1961)
Mackie, J.L.The philosophy of John Anderson
(No source given)
Mackie, J.L./ Kneebone, G.T.Proof
(No source given)
Mackie, J.L.Responsiblity and language
(No source given)
Mackie, J.L.Self-refutation : a formal analysis
(Philosophical quarterly, 14 (56), July 1964)
Makinson, D.An alternative characterisation of first-degree entailment
(Logique et analyse, 32, Décember, 1965)
Makinson, D.Defending common sense
(Philosophical review, 58 (3), May 1949)
Makinson, D.Nidditch’s definition of verifiability
(Mind, 74 (294), April 1965)
Makinson, D.On some completeness theorems in modal logic
(Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., 12, 1966)
Makinson, D.The paradox of the preface
(Analysis, n.d.)
Makinson, D.Remarks on the concept of distribution in traditional logic
(Noûs, 3 (1), 1969)
Makinson, D.There are infinitely many Diodorean modal functions
(Journal of symbolic logic, 31 (3), September 1966)
Malcolm, N.Russell’s Human knowledge
(Philosophical review, 59 (1), January 1950)
Marc-Wogau, K.The argument from illusion and Berkeley’s idealism
(Theoria, 24 (2), 1958)
Marc-Wogau, K.Berkeley’s sensationalism and the esse est percipi-principle
(Theoria, 23 (1), 1957)
Martin, R.L.Toward a solution to the liar paradox
(Philosophical review, 76 (3), July 1967)
Massey, G.J.Symbolic logic among the humanities
(Centennial review, 11 (2), Spring 1967)
Matsumoto, K.Decision procedure for modal sentential calculus S3
(Osaka mathematical journal, 12 (1), June 1960)
Maxwell, G.Theories, frameworks and ontology
(Philosophy of science, 29 (2), April 1962)
Maxwell, N.Can there be necessary connections between successive events?
(British journal of the philosophy of science, 19, 1967)
Mazrui, A.A.Alienable sovereignty in Rousseau : a further look
(Ethics, 77 (2), January 1967)
Mazrui, A.A.Ancient Greece in African political thought
(Inaugural lecture, Makerere University College, Kampala, Uganda, 1967)
Mazrui, A.A.From social Darwinism to current theories of modernization
(World politics, 21 (1), October 1968)
Mazrui, A.A.Islam, political leadership and economic radicalism in Africa
(Comparative studies in society and history, 9 (3), April 1967)
Mazrui, A.A.The monarchical tendency in African political culture
(British journal of sociology, 18 (3), September 1967)
Mazrui, A.A.Rousseau and intellectualized populism in Africa
(Review of politics, 30 (1), January 1968)
Meiland, J.W.Temporal parts and spatio-temporal analogies
(American philosophical quarterly, 3 (1), January 1966)
Menger, K.The algebra of functions : past, present, future
(Matematica, 20, 1961)
Menger, K.A counterpart of Occam’s razor in pure and applied mathematics
(Synthese, 12 (4), December 1960)
Menger, K.Gulliver in Applyland
(Eureka, October 1960)
Menger, K.Gulliver’s return to the land without one, two, three
(American mathematical monthly, 67 (7), August-September 1960)
Menger, K.A logic of the doubtful : on optative and imperative logic
(Reports of a mathematical colloqium second series, 1, 1939)
Menger, K.Superassociative systems and logical functors
(Math. Annalen, 157, 1964)
Menger, K./ Whitlock, H.I.Two theorems on the generation of systems of functions
(Fundamenta mathematica, 58, 1966)
Menger, K.Variables, constants, fluents
(Symposium on the logic of variables and constants, n.d.)
Meredith, C.A.The dependence of an axiom of Lukasiewicz
(Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 87 (1), January 1958)
Meredith, C.A.The figures and moods of the n-term Aristotelian syllogism
(Dominican studies, 5, 1953)
Meredith, C.A.On an extended system of the propositional calculus
(Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 54 (3), 1951)
Meredith, C.A.Postulates for implicational calculi
(Journal of symbolic logic, 31 (1), March 1966)
Meredith, C.A.Single axioms for the systems (C,N), (C,O) and (A,N) of the two-valued propositional calculus
(Journal of computing systems, 1 (3), 1953)
Meyer, R.K.Pure denumerable Lukasiewiczian implication
(Journal of symbolic logic, 31 (3), September 1966)
Mihailescu, E.Decision problem in the classical logic
(Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 8 (3), 1967)
Moh, S.-K.The deduction theorems and two new logical systems
(Logica simbolica, 1960)
Moh, S.-K.On the definition of primitive recursive functions (In Chinese with English abstract)
(Acta mathematica sinnica, 5 (1), 1955)
Moh, S.-K.Some axiom systems for propositional calculus (In Chinese with English abstract)
(Acta mathematica sinnica, 5 (1), 1955)
Moisil, G.C.Bibliografia lucrarilor romanesti de logica matematica
(Societatea de stiinte matematice din Republica Socialista Romania, 1965)
Moisil, G.C.Les logqiues non-Chrysippiennes et leurs applications
(Acta philosophica fennica, 16, 1963)
Moisil, G.C.The interest of the actual operation of switching circuits for the logician
(Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, 7-8, 1964-5)
Moisil, G.C.Remarques sur les modèles de la logique élémentaire
(Bulletin mathématique de la Société des sciences mathématiques de la République Socialiste du Roumaine, 10 (58), 1966)
Moisil, G.C.Sur l’arithmetique à logique élémentaire
(Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, 9, 1966)
Moisil, G.C.Sur la logique a trois valuers de Lukasiewicz
(Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, 5 , 1962)
Moisil, G.C.Sur la logique strictement positive
(Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii al I Cuza din Iasi, 11, 1965)
Moisil, G.C.Sur les ideaux des algebres Lukasiwicziennes trivalentes
(Anaelele Universitatii C. I. Parhon, 1, 1960)
Montague, R.Deterministic theories
(Decisions, values and groups, 1962)
Montague, R.Interpretability in terms of models
(Proceedings of Akademie van Wetenschappen Series A, 68 93), 1965)
Montague, R./Kalish, D.On Tarski’s formalization of predicate logic with identity
(Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, 7 (3-4), Mai 1965)
Montague, R./Kalish, D."That"
(Philosophical studies, 10, 1959)
Montgomery, H./ 
Routley, R.
Contingency and noncontingency bases for normal modal logic
(Logique et analyse, 35-36, Décembre 1966)
Montogmery, H."Counting" : a query
(Australasian journal of philosophy, December 1965)
Montgomery, H./ 
Routley, R.
On systems containing Aristotle’s thesis
(Journal of symbolic logic, 33 (1), March 1968)
Moody, E.ABuridan and a dilemma of nominalism
(Harry Austryn Wolfson Jubilee volume, American Acdemy for Jewish Research, 1965)
Moody, E.A.A quodlibetal question of Robert Holkot, O.P., on the problem of the objects of knowledge and of belief
(Speculum, 39 (1), January 1964)
Mostowski, A.Axiomatizability of some many valued predicate calculi
(Fundamenta mathematicae, 50, 1961)
Mostowski, A./ 
Ehrenfeucht, A.
A compact space of models of first order theories
(Bulletin de l’Academie Polonaise des Sciences, 9 (5), 1961)
Mostowski, A.Aformula with no recursively enumerable model
(Fundamenta mathematicae, 42, 1955)
Mostowski, A.A generalization of the incompleteness theorem
(Fundamenta mathematicae, 49, 1961)
Mostowski, A.On a system of axioms which has no recursively renumerable arithmetic model
(Fundamenta mathematicae, 40, 1953)
Mostowski, A.Quelques observations sur l’usage des méthodes non finitistes dans la méta-mathématique
(Le Raisonnement en mathématqiues et en science experimentale, 1955)
Mothersill, M."Unique" as an aesthetic predicate
(Journal of philosophy, 58 (16), August 1961)

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