Life and Work of Arthur Norman Prior
Last updated: 2018-06-29 17:09:13
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Imai, Y./Iséki, K. | On axiom systems of propositional calculi I (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (6), 1965) |
Imai, Y./Iséki, K. | On Griss algebra I (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (3), 1966) |
Ingarden, R. | The general question of the essence of form and content (Journal of philosophy, 57 (7), March 1960) |
Ingarden, R. | A marginal commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics I (Journal of aesthetics and art criticism, 20 (2), Winter 1961) |
Ingarden, R. | A marginal commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics II (Journal of aesthetics and art criticism, 20 (3), Spring 1962) |
Iséki, K. | An algebra related with a propositional calculus (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (1), 1966) |
Iséki, K. | Algebraic formulations of propositional calculi (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (9), 1965) |
Iséki, K. | Axiom systems of B-algebra (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (9), 1965) |
Iséki, K./Arai, Y. | Axiom systems of B-algebra II (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (10), 1965) |
Iséki, K. | Une condition pour qu’un lattice soit distributif (Portugaliæ Math., 6, 1947) |
Iséki, K. | Contributions to the theory of semi-groups III (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 32 (5), 1956) |
Iséki, K. | Contributions to the theory of semi-groups IV (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 32 (7), 1956) |
Iséki, K. | Contributions to the theory of semi-groups VI (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 33 (1), 1957) |
Iséki, K./ Miyanaga, Y. | On a radical in a semiring (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 32 (8), 1956) |
Iséki, K. | On axiom systems of propositional calculi IV (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (7), 1965) |
Iséki, K. | On axiom systems of propositional calculi V (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (8), 1965) |
Iséki, K. | On axiom systems of propositional calculi VII (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (8), 1965) |
Iséki, K./Tanaka,S. | On axiom systems of propositional calculi X (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 41 (9) 1965) |
Iséki, K. | On axiom systems of propositional calculi XV (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (3), 1966) |
Iséki, K. | On axiom systems of propositional calculi XXI (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (5), 1966) |
Iséki, K. | On mutant sets in semigroups (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 38 (8), 1962) |
Iséki, K./ Cicileo, L. | On the logarithmic property of the indices of endomorphism on a de linear space (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 40 (1), 1964) |
Iséki, K. | Some theorems in B-algebra (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (1), 1966) |
Iséki, K. | Some theorems in B-algebra II (Proceedings of the Japan Academy, 42 (5), 1966) |
Iséki, K. | A theorem on existence of solution for functional equations (Mathematica Japonicae, 7, May 1962) |
Ishiguro, H. | Imagination (Aristotelian Society supplementary volume, 61, 1967) |
Ishimoto, A./ Fujikawa, Y. | The construction of a subcalculus of Lewis S1 and its decision method (Bulletin of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, 93, 1969) |
Johnson, W.E. | Analysis of thinking I (Mind, 27 (105)) |
Johnson, W.E. | Analysis of thinking II (Mind, 27 (106)) |
Johnstone, H.W./ Price, R. | Axioms for the implicational calculus with one variable (Theoria, 30, 1964) |
Jordan, Z. | The development of philosophy and Marxism-Leninism in Poland since the war (Studies in Soviet thought, 1, n.d.) |
Jordan, Z. | Logical determinism (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 4 (1), 1963) |
Jørgensen, J. | Towards a theory of inference (Theoria, 25, 1959) |
Kalinowski, G | .La aportación de la lógica contemporánea estudio del carácter sistemático del derecho (Revista del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales) |
Kalinowski, G. | Axiomatisation et formalisation de la théorie hexagonale de l’opposition de M.R. Blanché (Études philosophiques, 22 (2), Avril-juin 1967) |
Kalinowski, G. | Le bien, la morale et la justice (Archives de philosophie du droit, 11, 1966) |
Kalinowski, G. | La critique de la logique déontique husserlienne (Archives de philosophie du droit, 10, 1965) |
Kalinowski, G. | De la spécificité de la logique juridique (Archives de philosophie du droit, 11, 1966) |
Kalinowski, G. | Logique déontique et logique juridique (Études philosophiques, 20 (2), Avril-juin 1965) |
Kalinowski, G. | La logique des normes d’Edmund Husserl (Archives de philosophie du droit, 10, 1965) |
Kalinowski, G. | La logique des valuers d’Edmund Husserl (Archives de philosophie du droit, 13, 1968) |
Kalinowski, G. | La norme, l’action et la théorie des propositions normatives (Studia logica, 14, 1963) |
Kalinowski, G. | Note critique sur la logique déontique d’Alf Ross (Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 55 (1), 1969) |
Kalinowski, G. | Obligation dérivée et logique déontique relationnelle (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 5 (3), July 1964) |
Kalinowski, G. | Possibilité et structure de la logique déontique (Archives de philosophie du droit, 10, 1965) |
Kalinowski, G. | Sur la vérité des normes (Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, 45 (3-4), Luglio-Dicembre 1968) |
Kalinowski, G. | Teoria zdan normatywnych=Theorie des propositions normatives (Journal of symbolic logic, n.d.) |
Kalinowski, G. | Les thèmes actuels de la logique déontique (Studia logica, 17, 1965) |
Kalman, J.A. | Equational completeness and families of sets closed under subtraction (Proceedings of Akademie van Wetenschappen Series A, 63 (4), 1960) |
Kanger, S. | The morning star paradox (Theoria, 23 (1), 1957) |
Kanger, S. | A note on quantification and modalities (Theoria, 23 (2), 1957) |
Kanger, S. & H. | Rights and parliamentarism (Theoria, 1966) |
Kenny, A. | Death and the philosophers (The listener, 7 July 1966) |
Kenny,A./Prior, A.N. | Oratio obliqua (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 37 (1963), pp.115-126.) |
King-Farlow, J. | Three questions for Prior on time (No source given) |
Kneale, M. | Logical and metaphysical necessity (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1938) |
Kneale, M. | Modality de dicto and de re (Logic, methodology and philosophy of science : Proceedings of the 1960 international congress, ed. E. Nagel et al., 1962) |
Kneale, W. | Universality and necessity (British journal for the philosophy of science, 12 (46), 1961) |
Kotarbinska, J. | Controversy on the applicability limits of logical methods (Logique et analyse, 29, Avril 1965) |
Kotarbinska, J. | On ostensive definitions (Philosophy of science, 27 (1), January 1960) |
Kotarbinski, T. | The basic postulate of concretism (Zeichen und System der Sprache, 1, 1961) |
Kotarbinski, T. | The concept of action (Journal of philosophy, 67 (7), March 1960) |
Kotarbinski, T. | L’image de mes idées (Ricerche filosofiche, 33 (2), Dicembre 1965) |
Kotarbinski, T. | Labour productivity (Paper read to the Conference on labour productivity, Warsaw, January 1960) |
Kotarbinski, T. | La logique en Pologne (Accademia Polacca di Scienze e Lettere, 7, 1959) |
Kotarbinski, T. | La philosophie dans la Pologne contemporaine (La philosophie au milieu du vigntième siècle : chroniques, ed. R. Klibansky, 1959) |
Kotarbinski, T. | Praxiological sentences and how they are proved (No source given) |
Kotarbinski, T. | Problèmes d’une éthique indépendante (Morale et enseignement, 28, 1958) |
Kotarbinski, T. | Psychological propositions (Scientific philosophy, ed. B.B. Wolman, 1965) |
Kotarbinski, T. | Resim : issues and prospects (Logique et analyse, 44, Décember 1968) |
Kotarbinski, T. | Science in people’s Poland, 1944-1959 (Report delivered at the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences, June 1959) |
Kotarbinski, T. | The tasks and problems of praxiology (Prakseologia, 31, 1968-9) |
Kotarbinski, T. | A tentative description of ethical appraisal (Polish facts and figures, n.d.) |
Kotarbinski, T. | The values of a good plan (Review of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 7, 1962) |
Kripke, S. | Semantical analysis of modal logic I : normal modal prepositional calculi (Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., 9, 1963) |
Kripke, S. | The undecidability of monadic modal quantification theory (Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., 8, 1962) |
Kron, A. | Dva primera polivalentne logike (Filozofija, n.d.) |
Kron, A. | O jednoj interpretaciji polivalentnih logika (Filozofija, n.d.) |
Kubinski, T. | An attempt to bring logic nearer to colloquial language (Studia logica, 10, 1960) |
Kubinski, T. | Katedra logiki na Wydziale Filofozifczno-Historycznym Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego (Annales Silesiae, 1, 1960) |
Kubinski, T. | Nazwy nieostre (Studia logica, 7, 1958) |
Kubinski, T. | On structurality of rules of inference (Wroclaw Scientific Society, 1965) |
Kubinski, T. | Pewne pojecia konsekwencji szabych I ich zastosowania (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, 21, 1964) |
Kubinski, T. | O pojeciu pytania I rachunku operatorow pytajnych (Ruch filozoficzny, 25, 1966) |
Kubinski, T. | A proof of consistency of Borkowski’s logical system containing Peano’s arithmetic (Studia logica, 14, 1963) |
Kubinski, T. | Przeglad nietktórych zagadnien logiki pytan (Studia logica, 18, 1966) |
Kubinski, T. | Systemy dedukcyjne logiki pytan (Ruch filozoficzny, 26, 1967) |
Kubinski, T. | Systemy pozornie sprzeczne (Zeszty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 3, 1959) |
Kubinski, T. | Two kinds of quotation mark expressions in formalized languages (Studia logica, 17, 1965) |
Kubinski, T. | Wyrazenia cudzyslowowe w jezykach sformalizowanych (Ruch filozoficzny, 23, 1964) |
Küng, G. | Polish logic 1920-1939 (Philosophical studies, 17, 1968) |
Lakatos, I. | Changes in the problem of inductive logic (The problem of inductive logic, 1968) |
Lakatos, I. | Infinite regress and foundations of mathematics (Aristotelian Society supplementary volume, 36, 1962) |
Lambek, J. | The mathematics of sentence structure (American mathematical monthly, 65 (3), March 1958) |
Lambert, K./ van Fraassen, V. | On free description theory (Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., 13, 1967) |
Lambert, K./ Scharle, T. | A translation theorem for two systems of free logic (Logique et analyse, 39-40, Décember 1967) |
Lambert, K./ Meyer, R.K. | Universally free logic and standard quantification theory (Journal of symbolic logic, 33 (1), March 1968) |
Leblanc, H. | The algebra of logic and the theory of deduction (Journal of philosophy, 68 (19), September 1961) |
Leblanc, H. | On a recent allotment of probabilities to open and closed sentences (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 1 (4), 1960) |
Leblanc, H. | On requirements for conditional probability functions (Journal of symbolic logic, 25 (3), September 1960) |
Leblanc, H. | Probabilities as truth-value estimates (Philosophy of science, 28 (4), October 1961) |
Lees, F.N. | Identification and emotion in the novel (British journal of aesthetics, 4 (2), April 1964) |
Lejewski, C. | Aristotle’s syllogistic and its extensions (Synthese, 15 (2), June 1963) |
Lejewski, C. | A contribution to Lesniewski’s mereology (Yearbook of Polish Society of Arts and Sciences Abroad, 1955) |
Lejewski, C. | Jan Lukasiewicz and the Warsaw School of Logic (Published as an introduction to Dr. A. I. Sabra's Arabic translation of Jan Lukasiewicz's 'Aristotle's Syllogistic', Alexandria, 1961, pp. 41-69.) (*) |
Lejewski, C. | Logic and existence (British journal for the philosophy of science, 5 (18), 1954) |
Lejewski, C. | A note on a problem concerning the axiomatic foundations of mereology (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 4 (2), April 1963) |
Lejewski, C. | On implicational definitions (Studia logica, 8, 1958) |
Lejewski, C. | On prosleptic syllogisms (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 2 (3), 1961) |
Lejewski, C. | On Lesniewski’s ontology (Ratio, 1 (2), December 1958) |
Lejewski, C. | The problem of ontological commitment (No source given) |
Lejewski, C. | Proper names (Aristotelian society supplementary volume, 31, 1957) |
Lejewski, C. | A propositional calculus in which three mutually undefinable functors are used as primary terms (Studia logica, 22, 1968) |
Lejewski, C. | A re-examination of the Russellian theory of descriptions (Philosophy, n.d.) |
Lejewski, C. | A single axiom for the mereological notion of proper part (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 8 (4), 1967) |
Lejewski, C. | Studies in the axiomatic foundations of Boolean algebra (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 1 (1), 1960) |
Lejewski, C. | Studies in the axiomatic foundations of Boolean algebra II (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 1 (3), 1960) |
Lejewski, C. | Studies in the axiomatic foundations of Boolean algebra III (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 2 (2), 1961) |
Lejewski, C. | A theory of non-reflexive identity and its ontological ramifications (Proceedings of the 6. Forschungsgespräch held by the Institut für Wissenschaftstheorie in Salzburg, September 1965.) |
Lemmon, E.J. | Algebraic semantics for modal logics I (Journal of symbolic logic, 28 (2), June 1963) |
Lemmon, E.J. | Algebraic semantics for modal logics II (Journal of symbolic logic, 31 (4), December 1966) |
Lemmon, E.J. | Alternative postulate sets for Lewis’s S5 (Journal of symbolic logic, 21 (4), December 1956) |
Lemmon, E.J. | Deontic logic and the logic of imperatives (Logique et analyse, 29, Avril 1963) |
Lemmon, E.J. | An extension algebra and the modal system T (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 1 (1), 1960) |
Lemmon, E.J. | Is there only one correct system of modal logic? (No source given) |
Lemmon, E.J. | Moral dilemmas (Philosophical review, 71 (2), April 1962) |
Lemmon, E.J. | New foundations for Lewis modal systems (Journal of symbolic logic, 22 (2), June 1957) |
Lemmon, E.J. | Quantifiers and modal operators (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1958) |
Lloyd, A.C. | Aristotle’s Categories today (Philosophical quarterly, 16, 1966) |
Lloyd, A.C. | Natural justice (Philosophical quarterly, 12, 1962) |
Löb, M.H. | Constructive truth (Constructivity in mathematics, n.d.) |
Löb, M.H. | Extensional interprestations of modal logics (Journal of symbolic logic, 28 92), June 1963) |
Löb, M.H. | Solution of a problem of Leon Henkin (Journal of symbolic logic, 20 (2), June 1955) |
Lukasiewicz, J. | On a controversial problem of Aristotle’s modal syllogistic (Dominican studies, 7, 1954) |
Lukasiewicz, J. | On the intuitionistic theory of deduction (Proceedings of Akademie van Wetenschappen Series A, 55 (3), 1952) |
Lukasiewicz, J. | On variable functors of propositional arguments (Porceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 54 (2), 1951) |
Lukasiewicz, J. | The shortest axiom of the implicational calculus of propositions (Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 52 (3), 1948) |
Lukasiewicz, J. | Sur la formalisation des théories mathématiques (Les méthodes formelles en axiomatique. pp. 11--19; discussion, pp. 19--21. Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, no. 26, Paris, 1950, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1953.) |
Lukasiewicz, J. | A system of modal logic (Journal of computing systems, 1 (3), 1953) |
McCall, S. | Abstract individuals (Dialogue, 4 (3), 1965) |
McCall, S. | A modal logic with eight modalities (Contributions to logic and methodology in honour of J.M. Bochenski, ed. A.-T. Tymieniecka, 1965) |
McCall, S. | The paradox of foreknowledge (Dialogue, 6 (2), 1967) |
McCall, S. | Temporal flux (American philosophical quarterly, 3 (4), October 1966) |
MacDonald, I.D. | Are there any principles in mathematics teaching? (Australian mathematics teacher, 21 (2), July 1965) |
MacDonald, I.D. | Matrices as "new mathematics" I (Australian mathematics teacher, 20 (1), April 1964) |
MacDonald, I.D. | Matrices as "new mathematics" II (Australian mathematics teachers, 20 (2), July 1964) |
MacDonald, I.D. | An old discussion of mathematics in education (Australian mathematics teacher, 21 (3), November 1965) |
MacDonald, I.D. | Thinking in symbols (New science, n.d.) |
Mach, E. | The science of mechancis (The science of mechanics : a critical and historical account of its development, 1960) |
MacKay, D.M. | Brain and will (Faith and though, 90 (2), Autumn 1958) |
MacKay, D.M. | On the logical indeterminacy of a free choice (Mind, 69 (273), January 1960) |
Mackie, J.L. | Causes and conditions (Americal philosophical quarterly, 2 (4), October 1965) |
Mackie, J.L. | Conditionally-restricted operations (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 2 (4), 1961) |
Mackie, J.L. | Contemporary linguist philosophy : its strength and its weakness (Inaugural lecture, University of Otago, 1956) |
Mackie, J.L. | The direction of causation (Philosophical review, 75 (4), October 1966) |
Mackie, J.L. | The paradox of confirmation (British journal for the philosophy of science, 13 (52), 1963) |
Mackie, J.L. | Philosophy : its place in the universities (Vestes, 4 (3), September 1961) |
Mackie, J.L. | The philosophy of John Anderson (No source given) |
Mackie, J.L./ Kneebone, G.T. | Proof (No source given) |
Mackie, J.L. | Responsiblity and language (No source given) |
Mackie, J.L. | Self-refutation : a formal analysis (Philosophical quarterly, 14 (56), July 1964) |
Makinson, D. | An alternative characterisation of first-degree entailment (Logique et analyse, 32, Décember, 1965) |
Makinson, D. | Defending common sense (Philosophical review, 58 (3), May 1949) |
Makinson, D. | Nidditch’s definition of verifiability (Mind, 74 (294), April 1965) |
Makinson, D. | On some completeness theorems in modal logic (Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen d. Math., 12, 1966) |
Makinson, D. | The paradox of the preface (Analysis, n.d.) |
Makinson, D. | Remarks on the concept of distribution in traditional logic (Noûs, 3 (1), 1969) |
Makinson, D. | There are infinitely many Diodorean modal functions (Journal of symbolic logic, 31 (3), September 1966) |
Malcolm, N. | Russell’s Human knowledge (Philosophical review, 59 (1), January 1950) |
Marc-Wogau, K. | The argument from illusion and Berkeley’s idealism (Theoria, 24 (2), 1958) |
Marc-Wogau, K. | Berkeley’s sensationalism and the esse est percipi-principle (Theoria, 23 (1), 1957) |
Martin, R.L. | Toward a solution to the liar paradox (Philosophical review, 76 (3), July 1967) |
Massey, G.J. | Symbolic logic among the humanities (Centennial review, 11 (2), Spring 1967) |
Matsumoto, K. | Decision procedure for modal sentential calculus S3 (Osaka mathematical journal, 12 (1), June 1960) |
Maxwell, G. | Theories, frameworks and ontology (Philosophy of science, 29 (2), April 1962) |
Maxwell, N. | Can there be necessary connections between successive events? (British journal of the philosophy of science, 19, 1967) |
Mazrui, A.A. | Alienable sovereignty in Rousseau : a further look (Ethics, 77 (2), January 1967) |
Mazrui, A.A. | Ancient Greece in African political thought (Inaugural lecture, Makerere University College, Kampala, Uganda, 1967) |
Mazrui, A.A. | From social Darwinism to current theories of modernization (World politics, 21 (1), October 1968) |
Mazrui, A.A. | Islam, political leadership and economic radicalism in Africa (Comparative studies in society and history, 9 (3), April 1967) |
Mazrui, A.A. | The monarchical tendency in African political culture (British journal of sociology, 18 (3), September 1967) |
Mazrui, A.A. | Rousseau and intellectualized populism in Africa (Review of politics, 30 (1), January 1968) |
Meiland, J.W. | Temporal parts and spatio-temporal analogies (American philosophical quarterly, 3 (1), January 1966) |
Menger, K. | The algebra of functions : past, present, future (Matematica, 20, 1961) |
Menger, K. | A counterpart of Occam’s razor in pure and applied mathematics (Synthese, 12 (4), December 1960) |
Menger, K. | Gulliver in Applyland (Eureka, October 1960) |
Menger, K. | Gulliver’s return to the land without one, two, three (American mathematical monthly, 67 (7), August-September 1960) |
Menger, K. | A logic of the doubtful : on optative and imperative logic (Reports of a mathematical colloqium second series, 1, 1939) |
Menger, K. | Superassociative systems and logical functors (Math. Annalen, 157, 1964) |
Menger, K./ Whitlock, H.I. | Two theorems on the generation of systems of functions (Fundamenta mathematica, 58, 1966) |
Menger, K. | Variables, constants, fluents (Symposium on the logic of variables and constants, n.d.) |
Meredith, C.A. | The dependence of an axiom of Lukasiewicz (Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 87 (1), January 1958) |
Meredith, C.A. | The figures and moods of the n-term Aristotelian syllogism (Dominican studies, 5, 1953) |
Meredith, C.A. | On an extended system of the propositional calculus (Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 54 (3), 1951) |
Meredith, C.A. | Postulates for implicational calculi (Journal of symbolic logic, 31 (1), March 1966) |
Meredith, C.A. | Single axioms for the systems (C,N), (C,O) and (A,N) of the two-valued propositional calculus (Journal of computing systems, 1 (3), 1953) |
Meyer, R.K. | Pure denumerable Lukasiewiczian implication (Journal of symbolic logic, 31 (3), September 1966) |
Mihailescu, E. | Decision problem in the classical logic (Nôtre Dame journal of formal logic, 8 (3), 1967) |
Moh, S.-K. | The deduction theorems and two new logical systems (Logica simbolica, 1960) |
Moh, S.-K. | On the definition of primitive recursive functions (In Chinese with English abstract) (Acta mathematica sinnica, 5 (1), 1955) |
Moh, S.-K. | Some axiom systems for propositional calculus (In Chinese with English abstract) (Acta mathematica sinnica, 5 (1), 1955) |
Moisil, G.C. | Bibliografia lucrarilor romanesti de logica matematica (Societatea de stiinte matematice din Republica Socialista Romania, 1965) |
Moisil, G.C. | Les logqiues non-Chrysippiennes et leurs applications (Acta philosophica fennica, 16, 1963) |
Moisil, G.C. | The interest of the actual operation of switching circuits for the logician (Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, 7-8, 1964-5) |
Moisil, G.C. | Remarques sur les modèles de la logique élémentaire (Bulletin mathématique de la Société des sciences mathématiques de la République Socialiste du Roumaine, 10 (58), 1966) |
Moisil, G.C. | Sur l’arithmetique à logique élémentaire (Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, 9, 1966) |
Moisil, G.C. | Sur la logique a trois valuers de Lukasiewicz (Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, 5 , 1962) |
Moisil, G.C. | Sur la logique strictement positive (Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii al I Cuza din Iasi, 11, 1965) |
Moisil, G.C. | Sur les ideaux des algebres Lukasiwicziennes trivalentes (Anaelele Universitatii C. I. Parhon, 1, 1960) |
Montague, R. | Deterministic theories (Decisions, values and groups, 1962) |
Montague, R. | Interpretability in terms of models (Proceedings of Akademie van Wetenschappen Series A, 68 93), 1965) |
Montague, R./Kalish, D. | On Tarski’s formalization of predicate logic with identity (Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, 7 (3-4), Mai 1965) |
Montague, R./Kalish, D. | "That" (Philosophical studies, 10, 1959) |
Montgomery, H./ Routley, R. | Contingency and noncontingency bases for normal modal logic (Logique et analyse, 35-36, Décembre 1966) |
Montogmery, H. | "Counting" : a query (Australasian journal of philosophy, December 1965) |
Montgomery, H./ Routley, R. | On systems containing Aristotle’s thesis (Journal of symbolic logic, 33 (1), March 1968) |
Moody, E.A | Buridan and a dilemma of nominalism (Harry Austryn Wolfson Jubilee volume, American Acdemy for Jewish Research, 1965) |
Moody, E.A. | A quodlibetal question of Robert Holkot, O.P., on the problem of the objects of knowledge and of belief (Speculum, 39 (1), January 1964) |
Mostowski, A. | Axiomatizability of some many valued predicate calculi (Fundamenta mathematicae, 50, 1961) |
Mostowski, A./ Ehrenfeucht, A. | A compact space of models of first order theories (Bulletin de l’Academie Polonaise des Sciences, 9 (5), 1961) |
Mostowski, A.A | formula with no recursively enumerable model (Fundamenta mathematicae, 42, 1955) |
Mostowski, A. | A generalization of the incompleteness theorem (Fundamenta mathematicae, 49, 1961) |
Mostowski, A. | On a system of axioms which has no recursively renumerable arithmetic model (Fundamenta mathematicae, 40, 1953) |
Mostowski, A. | Quelques observations sur l’usage des méthodes non finitistes dans la méta-mathématique (Le Raisonnement en mathématqiues et en science experimentale, 1955) |
Mothersill, M. | "Unique" as an aesthetic predicate (Journal of philosophy, 58 (16), August 1961) |
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