Life and Work of Arthur Norman Prior
Last updated: 2019-02-10 20:33:59
![]() | The folder contains (apparently in an incomplete form) Prior's edition of a (large) manuscript by C.A. Meredith: 'Computations and Speculations', together with a few manuscripts which Meredith and Prior had written together. The title page of the manuscript is as follows: [JANUARY 1998: This page still missing] (Hence, the manuscript on all counts can be placed between 1959 and 1965, when Prior was at Manchester; moreover, the stuff is typical early 60's material, and the parts published (enumerated below) indicates that most had been done before 1962. Some parts may be even earlier than 1960, though; thus one Appendix (The Lukasiewicz reduction of bivalent C-pure, p. 191-192) is from 1956, cf. Folder marked "Unlisted by Flo/box 5 and Fifth folder/box 4. The following description (probably by Mary Prior, 'BR') is attached (the numbers 96 etc. refer to Flo's draft bibliography: Olav Flo: [Draft] Bibliography of A. N. Prior's Philosophical Writings/box 5): "This seems to be what was left over from a book by Meredith and Prior & is the residue after parts were published as articles. It was submitted at some time to OUP. The following papers are by Meredith and Prior: |
See also:
Parts of Speech/box 6,
Notebook on 'Objects of Thought'/box 11,
Names of Names/box 6,
Names. Third folder/box 8,
which are all incorporated into (or related in content or at least subject) to this work. - In their "Editorial Note" to 1971a Geach and Kenny state that "At his death Prior left the manuscript of a work entitled 'Objects of Thought'. In the same file he left two sets of notes giving the plan of the work. The first is dated 18 April 1965..." (p. vii), (i.e. the date of the last entry into the Notebook on 'Objects of Thought'/box 11.; but the contents there is different from what Geach and Kenny seem to be referring to.). However, the other plan for chapters mentioned here by Geach and Kenny - and "clearly considerably later" (p. vii) – than the first one is found together with Parts of Speech/box 6 (that is, this is the plan which they followed as editors of 1971a).
![]() | Geach and Kenny in their "Editorial Note" to 'Objects of Thought' 1971a date this item as "written sometime between 1963 and 1966" (p. ix).– (The paper has references to two 1962-publications (p. 25)). See also Names of Names/box 6 and Second folder/box 8 (the manuscript for 'Objects of Thought' 1971a). It is likely that this item 'Names' has been misplaced in the course of time and really belongs in Second folder/box 8. |
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Department of Communication and Psychology
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Department of Communication and Psychology
Aalborg University
Rendsburggade 14
DK-9000 Aalborg